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Home > Travel > Outer Banks-NC
Fort Raleigh, Roanoke Island, NC
Around this area is where the lost Roanoke colony was. They came poorly prepared and had to send Governor White back to England for more supplies. He got stuck there by the war with Spain with no ship available to come back. By the time he got back, the colony was gone including his family and granddaughter Virginia Dare, the first english child born in the new world.

Fort Raleigh, Roanoke Island, NC

Around this area is where the lost Roanoke colony was. They came poorly prepared and had to send Governor White back to England for more supplies. He got stuck there by the war with Spain with no ship available to come back. By the time he got back, the colony was gone including his family and granddaughter Virginia Dare, the first english child born in the new world.

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