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Home > Travel > Airborne Special Ops Museum-Fayetteville,NC

Most viewed - Airborne Special Ops Museum-Fayetteville,NC
Training local government troops in mortar fire.93 views
Germans ordering Americaon forces at Bastogne to surrender92 viewsThe Germans sent a message to the American General in command ordering surrender in 2 hours during the Battle of the Bulge or he would start artillery fire again and annihilate them.
Japanese soldier items91 views
Description of the incident and the General's reply91 viewsNuts! the General said. When the message was delivered back to the Germans, it was also explained to them that "Nuts!" means "Go to hell!". The German commander was a little bit premature in his demand. Americans were able to battle their way out of Bastogne.
City fighting91 views
Vietnam choppers90 views
Glider90 viewsGliders were used to transport 1 jeep or 1artillery piece or 15 soldiers.
Which way?88 views
The Cricket87 viewsJust like you see in the movie "The Longest Day", troops were issued these clickers to identify themselves to each other.
What to take when dropping into enemy territory87 viewsLocal currency was provided to escape and evade if necessary. Small phrase books of the local language came in handy. Parachutes though always shown as buried or thrown away in the movies, were actually used often to provide shelter, as chaplain garments, etc.
Vietnam chopper closeup75 views
Artillery Piece on a pallet being prepared to be dropped from a plane.75 views
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