
Home of one of the Salem witch trial judges15 viewsSome of the interrogations were done here. 200 were jailed, 19 were hanged, and 1 who refused to talk was crushed to death under a board they piled stones on one at a time. He cursed the sheriff and every sheriff since then has either died of heart issues or had to leave office because of them. The leader of the young girl accusers later recanted and apologized for what she did. Most names were cleared around 1957. In 2001 the last 6 were finally cleared when the governor signed a legislative resolution.

Lovely local park and marina14 views

Interesting design17 viewsNotice the original black pins built into the walls of this mansion. The upper floor contains a ballroom. The pins go all the way through to the other side and make the floor more springy for partiers to dance all night. The pastor of the church across the street use to stand out front taking names of partiers to counsel them later about going to hell for their debauchery. Interesting, the house still stands while the church burned down! It was hit by lightening.

Replica of a ship of the period18 views

Nathanial Hawthorne - writer17 viewsHe actually hated Salem but lived here for a time until he penned "The Scarlett Letter" and got enough money to move. Salem was also the childhood home of the Parker Brothers who created the game Monopoly here in their teens.


Another lighthouse18 viewsVery small but it does the job intended for it.

House of Seven Gables19 viewsBuilt by a sea captain, the poor man and his son died aboard his ship quarantined in the harbor within view of his home. His daughter inherited the house and shipping fortune despite protests by male relatives. The house was eventually lost to bankruptcy when a male of the line decided he did not need to work and squandered the family fortune.

House of Seven Gables17 viewsNathanial Hawthorne spent much time visiting here and it inspired his story by that name. The garden is beautiful and I loved going up the hidden staircase in the dining room.

America's oldest candy company20 views

Yep there really are 7 gables20 views