Desoto Caverns-Childersburg,AL
Foot massager36 viewsI love these! Pop in a quarter and let it vibrate the pain away. Just standing on the porch while it is in use feels great.
Water wheel by the gift shop runs the panning station30 views
Gazebo and fish pond34 viewsGreedy little suckers
Pavillion26 viewsGets used a lot by groups. 2 campfires next to it are provided for cooking hotdogs on sticks for those groups that stay in the caverns overnight.
Dig deep and find the crystals.31 views
Choo choo37 views
Huge picnic area with ponds and fish26 views
They know how to deal with unruly customers35 views
Water fountains wet down the kids29 views
Desoto Caverns36 views
Ship to ship nerf ball battle44 views
Gunpowder cart40 viewsConfederate soldiers mined gunpowder in the caverns during the Civil War.
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