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Home > Travel > Greenfield Village-Dearborn,MI

Last additions - Greenfield Village-Dearborn,MI
The shed where Henry Ford built his first car.107 viewsSep 03, 2007
Henry Ford's first car69 viewsHenry left home at 16 and worked for Edison for 8 years. Evenings he studied and built his first car, the Quadricycle. Unfortunately, when he was done, he could not get it out of the building. He had to have a brick mason open the doorway up and then put it back once it was out. Oops!Sep 03, 2007
McGuffey cabin71 viewsThe guy who brought us McGuffey Eclectic Readers which generations learned to read from was born in this tiny one room cabin. There was barely room to cook since the bed fills most of it. This is typical of most cabins on the frontier and does have a loft above where the children would sleep.Sep 03, 2007
Chicken coop with real chickens (bottom)41 viewsSep 03, 2007
Inside The Mattox House71 viewsCardboard ceilings and newspaper walls kept the cold out. Standing in the corner would be much more interesting punishment as a kid with newspaper covered walls.Sep 03, 2007
The Mattox House107 viewsOwned by an African-American family for several generations, Mr. Mattox worked at numerous jobs to provide this small farm for his wife and 5 kids.Sep 03, 2007
44 viewsSep 03, 2007
Slave Quarters31 viewsRare, these were made of stone because they came from a plantation in Georgia which produced the finest bricks so it was cheap material for them to use. Sep 03, 2007
Southern Plantation30 viewsBoth sides of this house have long wide porches. It is from a 700 acre agricultural plantation operated with 75 slaves. The slaves lived in wooden shacks with dirt floors. Sep 03, 2007
Noah Webster's House29 viewsI want the upper right guest bedroom. Beautiful! Yes, this is the guy who gave us the dictionary and many school books in his time.Sep 03, 2007
Typical Swiss Chalet Henry Ford had built here.27 viewsSep 03, 2007
Robert Frost's home30 viewsTwo roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Sep 03, 2007
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