Most viewed - Cooperstown-Herkimer-NY |
AAGPBL - All American Girls Professional Baseball League1797 viewsThe movie, A League of Their Own, was inspired by a documentary that was sent to Director Penny Marshall to view. She realized that if she had never heard of the league, others probably hadn't either and the story needed to be told. A script was commissioned and the movie made. Thank you Penny!
Cardiff Giant at the Farmers Museum277 viewsIs it a body of a giant man that was unearthed nearby or perhaps a piece of art? Neither. It was a huge hoax that was setup over several years by someone for fun. They did make a lot of money off tourists for awhile though.
Herkimer KOA140 views
Ye olde fire engine128 viewsThe box on the back is filled with water using buckets
The ice cream parlor119 viewsHistory of ice cream exhibition at the Farmers Museum. These were often used by couples for "sparking" and "spooning".
Herkimer Diamond Mine102 views
Herkimer KOA camping by the creek66 viewsLots of folks come here to go tubing
Icebox64 viewsIce is placed in the lined top on this one
Spooning at the ice cream parlor63 viewsSpooning is actually a play on words. A gentleman could invite a young lady to spoon meaning to have a spoon of ice cream on the surface.
Dairy wagon63 views
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